Tuesday, 29 December 2009

KattyCat, meeting the parents.

I've discovered a new best thing ever this Christmas: grandparents.
Not my own - i mean, come on, cats' families don't usually stay in touch... no, i mean, my human grandparents !
You see, i'm not really keen on visitors, but those ones wouldn't leave the flat, so after a few days, i had to make do with the fact that they may become a permanent fixture on the sofa.
And that's when it happened: i realised they wanted to communicate with me.
And to play.
I mean, whoever decides to move a string is immediately my friend. Obviously. But usually, within 5 minutes, it's all over and something more interesting is catching my new friend's attention.
But those grandparents - they're made of patience.
Yes, literally hours of play.
With the same string, gently moved, hidden moved again.
I love my grandparents.
I hope they never ever leave.
And if they do, maybe i could move in with them ?

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