Tuesday, 12 January 2010

KattyCat, upside down.

This is an example of the radiator bathing technique.
Mummy's working from home today as she's waiting for a parcel, so the heating is on and is powerful - a real treat !
Instead of trying to learn to turn the heating on by myself, maybe i could find a way to make one of my humans stay home every single day ? Cuddles + heat, that'd be a winner !


I am Harvey. said...

Hello there Kattycat! Lovely to hear about your way of life which is very much like mine although I don't chase mice.
Isn't it great being adored?
Ruling with a velvet paw is my style but I do put my back foot down with a hearty thump if they are slow to catch on to my requests.
Thank you for writing to me via my blog. I love making new friends.

KattyCat said...

Thank you so much for your comment Harvey, you're my very first commentator ever !
My mum would like to get me a rabbit friend some day - i'm too shy and scared of other cats, but she thinks a rabbit companion could maybe work - so i'm very keen on knowing everything about your life !!
And for sure, there's something we definitely have in common (beside being very cute): we rule the roast ! (or the carrot, if you'd rather...)