Sunday, 7 March 2010

KattyCat, sun worshipper

I think spring is back !
Oh i love spring, the sun, and the birdies singing all day long.
Oh happy days coming up !
Sleeping on my cushion on the window seat all day long, only to be woken up by the feather things on the trees, or the feather thing in the living-room.
This is THE life.
Playing, sleeping, watching.
Shame my humans are a bit stressed at the moment - too much work i've heard them say, it makes them cranky and quick to argue.
Can't they see that all of this doesn't matter when the sun is BACK !


I am Harvey. said...

Yep, sunbeams are the things to snooze in. The snag is they keep moving about. Can you pounce on them to keep them still? I've tried binkying on them but I never know which way round I will land and I can miss them. Don't tell anybody though!I might lose my credibility as guru rabbit number one.

KattyCat said...

don't worry Harvey, your secret is safe with me ! i've never tried to pounce on sunbeam, maybe i should try.. but i have a big sofa in the living-room on which i can lie and follow the sun all afternoon long - quite a nice piece of equipment, those sofas, i say !